The ultimate hot chocolate

Since we are now getting into those colder months and christmas is just around the corner! I thought this hot chocolate would be lovely to snuggle up with while you watch a christmas film or to make for your family and friends when having a nice christmasy gathering.
This recipe is so simple and tastes absolutely divine. I could ramble forever about christmas but lets get on with the recipe.
-100g of chocolate (I used chocolate buttons because they are SO much easier and quicker to melt)
-142ml of double cream
-600ml of milk
-First melt your chocolate in a heat proof bowl over a pan with water in it. Keep it on a medium heat because you really don't want to burn the chocolate!
-Then put the double cream, milk and melted chocolate in a pan and heat until it steams but not so much that it starts the boil.
-You can now put it in a your fave mug and take pics of it for instagram! (fun fact: when i took my pictures it was outside and it started to rain. Fun.)