Christmas pinecone DIY

Christmas is the perfect time to get creative and do some easy DIYs that look absolutely great! So I've mixed together ideas off Pinterest and my own to make frosty and bronze pinecone decorations/baubles.
Bronze pinecones:
This was so simple and so effective and really turns the pinecones into something so pretty and Christmassy.
•First I brought some bronze spray paint. This can be found anywhere like amazon or hobbycraft and a really affordable price. There are also a lot of colours to choose from so the options are endless!
•To do this DIY I simply sprayed the pinecones with the paint (outside as you don't want your house to smell)
•You then just wait for them to dry and TaDar! A Christmas decoration!
Frosty pinecone baubles:
• First you need to put any colour glitter in a bowl/container (I just used face glitter in the colour silver to get the frosted look)
•Then cover the outside of your pine cones in any sort of liquid art glue.
•Now role your pinecone in the glitter and wait to dry.
•Next is to make the hanger for this you simply put glue onto the bottom, flat side of the pinecone and use either thread or string in a loop and stick the open ends to the pinecone.
Hope you enjoyed this post and I wish you a merry pinecone decorating!