Homeware Delights
In about september last year I got a new bed and this meant more wall space! So after months of looking at pintrest I put up shelfs (well my dad did, DIY is not my forte but Beth and I did manage to paint them) and put up my grid (agin dad did) so then I could go crazy with all things homeware. So today ill be sharing some of of my purchases!

So starting from the top right the first item is actual a pot I made myself (yes I managed to actually do that! I very much surprised myself) and I then painted it with that light pink colour as the colour scheme I'm going with is pink/orange, white and green! The plant in this pot is called a "string of hearts" which I just absolutely loved this firstly because the leafs actually look like little hearts. Secondly, as it is part of the succulent family meaning it can cope with me not remembering to water it!
The next item I will talk about is my light up box which my bestie beth brought for me (shout out to her) and this is from New Look.
For ages I have really wanted a globe and I would search so many websites and never found one until I went to and funnily enough we went into a small shop and there is was sparkling, glowing, shining (okay there was no magical lighting) but it was exactly what i had been looking for and even the colours were right so i just had to buy it!
The cross with the most beautiful pattern was also brought when on that same holiday but in porto, Portugal.

This is the first of the items from Sass&Belle is this trinket dish from my sister which is so cute and really useful to put anything in such as earrings. Ive never really been a big fan of trinket dishes as well I didn't really have much to put in it but now I've started wearing more earnings they are now a must have! In fact i was lucky enough to receive another from my friend Megan and this is a Next product. Its such a pretty design that I'm really loving right now.

Oh hello there to my fab "hello" sign! This is another purchase from Sass&Belle giving a bit of a metallic vibe to this corner. And adding life is my other plant (that I cannot remember the name of soz) in my pot from Tiger which is a unique shop that I see popping up in more and more places. Was such a great buy as was so affordable!

These next items are prints that I have found and love after endless searching! The first is the lips painting that I thought had a real cool retro vibe and fitted my colour scheme so well. YASS. The other 2 prints are from Paperchase one saying "YAAAS!" which is a word (well its kinda a word) that I use a lot probably too often. And "finding emo" coz I love a pun. The final thing I'm going to talk about today is the grid its self. My mum actually found this after agessssss of searching she found a much cheaper option as this is actually a garden trellis thing that pants grow up so that a top tip!
I really hope you have enjoyed this post, and let me know what you think or if you would like a similar post in the future!