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Where have I been?

Hey! Well its been a while since I posted anything (Literally my first post in 2019 opps! HAPPY NEW YEAR.) I thought I would pop on here and do a little post about my plans for my blog and how its going to change!

So, first things first. You may or may not know that I'm currently studying Media Arts at university and have just finished my 1st year! (How has it gone so quicklyyy) So I would use that as the reason for my absence on this blog (as it partly is) but the real reason is a lack of motivation as I wasn't sure where I wanted my blog to go and what I was doing with it... WELL NOW I KNOW!


So what's the plan? (I hear you not ask) Well as I'm sure you can see the look of my blog has well changed pretty drastically and thats because I just wasn't happy with it! I felt as tho it just did not represent me as a person and what I like, when thats the whole point of a blog! So moving forward, I'm going to make my blog more personal, as in creating posts that are important to me and what I like in an attempt to move away from bland samey samey posts (fingers crossed!)

Im going to be posting about topics of Health&Fitness, Travel, student life and any other topics I feel would be nice to write about and share! I hope you will enjoy my "new" blog as I can't wait to share with you!


Eloise xxxx

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