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Pancake Day

Pancake day is no lie one of my favourite days! I defiantly have a sweet tooth and love a good pancake soo.... i just love it! This year I actually managed to eat pancakes for breakfast, lunch and tea so was quite an achievement!


Chocolate and peanut butter scotch pancakes:

-1 egg

-50g caster sugar

-100g plain flour

-splash of milk


-Lots of chocolate spread and peanut butter

-Dried raspberry bits


-Mix the sugar, flour and egg together

-Slowly add some milk until is thick but smooth.

-Then put into your frying pan on a medium heat (make sure you put oil in the pan)

-When cooked layer your pancakes alternating between chocolate and peanut butter and TA DAR


Goats cheese, smoked salmon and spinach:

-4oz plain flour

-1 egg

-150ml milk


-Add flour and egg together and mix

-Gradually add milk until same consistency as others.

-Then pop them in the pan again and then you can layer your goats cheese, smoked salmon and spinach.


We had english pancakes for desert which are thinner than scotch but thicker than crepes.

-100g plain flour


-300ml milk


-same as previous but end mixture will be thinner!

As many of you properly know the day after pancake day (shrove Tuesday) is followed by ash Wednesday which marks the start of lent where christians and others give up something for the 40 days between tomorrow and easter! This year I'm giving up chocolate spread (hence the over loading this morning)

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